Rollcage Medic Podcast

Feast your ears and eyes on podcast and vodcast goodness, as I pick the brains of the leading lights of the motor sport medicine and rescue community.

Some will be well known, others working in the background, but all are experts in their field with acres of experience that they are willing to share.

So tune in, turn on and absorb the goodness.

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Showing Tag: "prehospital medicine" (Show all posts)

Motorcycle rescue sim from SMACC Dublin 2016

Posted by Matthew Mac Partlin on Sunday, April 2, 2017, In : Conferences 

Training as a team is really important. Technical skills are honed, communication becomes targeted and succinct and deficits are identified and can be troubleshot. Organising and running team training sessions takes a lot of work and commitment on everyone's part, but it pays dividends.

The Social Media And Critical Care (SMACC) conference does its best to evolve each year and seeks to explore some of the outer edge areas of acute care medicine. Last year's conference was held in Dublin and am...

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Podcast 11 - Hugh Scully and Rob Seal - Part 2

Posted by Matthew Mac Partlin on Thursday, April 2, 2015, In : Interviews 

This podcast continues on from Podcast 10 and was recorded at the end of the FIA Medical Summit in Doha in December last year. Profs Hugh Scully and Rob Seal and I talk about motorsport medicine as a pre-hospital entity, the importance of data, audit and research in the evolution of motorsport medicine rescue and safety and the roles that motorsport competitors have in their own rescue.

For more information on the content of the FIA Summit, go here: FIA Institute Medicine in Motorsport Summ...
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